
Reaping What We Sow: A Call to Holiness

Hey, my beautiful brothers and sisters, I hope this message finds you wrapped in love and peace. I feel moved to share a different perspective on our walk with Christ, one that might not be as comforting as we'd like, but it's real and it's necessary. Now, I'm not here to rain on anyone's parade, but I do want to bring some balance to our posts. We often hear phrases like "Don't worry, God's got us" or "No matter what, everything's gonna be alright." And while these words are comforting, they can sometimes give us a false sense of security. See, the Word tells us in Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." This means that even though we are Christians, we can't expect everything to be alright if we're not living right. We can't sow seeds of discord, neglect, or disobedience and expect to reap a harvest of peace, prosperity, and blessings. The scripture also warns us in

"Put God First Unlock The Secrets To Living Your Best Life!"

"Put God first and do what He wants. Then everything else will fall into place. Matthew 6:33 NIV  We all know how crazy life can get, right? 🌪️ But guess what? We've got the ultimate key to living our best lives! 🔑💯 Check this out, when we make God our top priority, everything else just falls into place. 🙏✨ Remember what Jesus said? He told us to seek God's kingdom and everything else will fall in place. 📖🙌 When we do that, we get closer to Him and find true happiness. 😇💖 So, let's shift our mindset and put God before all the material stuff. 🙅‍♂️💰 'Cause let's be real, the things we own won't last forever, but our relationship with God is eternal. 🌟💖 Let's invest in our spiritual lives, y'all! 🌟✨ Ask God for guidance, chill with others fellow believers, and make worship a major part of our lives. When we put God first, that need for material things loses its grip on us. We find peace, contentment, and blessings that go beyond anything t

From Foes to Bros

"We love Him because He first loved us. 20 If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?1 John 4:19-20 When I was young boy  I used to feel some type of way about my sister. We argued about everything  from sharing toys to watching TV. It seemed like we couldn't stand each other. Our relationship has gotten better since then, but it wasn't until attending church one Sunday and the preacher preach a verse that changed everything. It said that if we claim to love God but hate our brother or sister, we're lying. It hit me hard because I realized that if I can't love my sister who I see every day, how can I say I love God who I can't see? So, I decided to make a change. Instead of fighting, I started to show love to my sister, even when she get on nerves. Slowly but surely, things began to change between us. We started to understand each

Surrendering to God's Perfect Plan

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:9 (NIV) How often have we found ourselves striving to make things happen according to our own plans, only to end up feeling frustrated and disappointed? How many times have we relied on our own understanding, thinking we know what's best for our lives, only to realize that our vision is limited and our plans are flawed? As Christians, we are called to surrender our will to God's perfect plan for our lives. We may think we know what's best, but the truth is, we cannot fully comprehend the greatness of God's purposes for us until we allow Him to lead and direct us on the path He has set before us. Isaiah 55:9 reminds us of the vast difference between God's way and our way. While we can only see so far and our predictions of the future are often uncertain, God sees the end from the beginning. His plans for us are not

Marvelous Works: Remembering to Give Thanks

"The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23 (NIV) In our busy lives, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, focusing on our problems and challenges. We rush from one task to the next, often overlooking the many blessings and miracles that God has worked in our lives. Psalm 118:23 reminds us to pause and recognize that "The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes." How often do we appreciate and truly thank God for His goodness? For the healing, deliverance, protection, provision, and countless other blessings He has bestowed upon us? When we focus solely on our problems, we miss out on the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful things God has done for us. Imagine a child who receives a beautifully wrapped gift from their parent. The gift is something the child had wanted for a long time. However, instead of unwrapping the gift and enjoying it, the child sets it aside and immediately starts wor

Rise Above It All: Finding Renewed Strength in God

God is your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). NIV Have you ever felt tired, exhausted, or drained in your faith walk like I have? Let's keep it real. There are times when we all get tired of praying, helping others, preaching, or reading the Bible. In those moments, it's crucial to recognize that these feelings may be spiritual attacks meant to discourage us. The devil seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. But remember this! When you feel overwhelmed, turn to the source of your strength. Psalm 121:1-2 reminds us, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." So let's stay strong, stay faithful, and allow God's power to renew our strength. Trust in Him because He is faithful to sustain us and uplift us in every season of our lives. God bless 🙏  by Pastor Samuel "Shawn" Lantion

God Requires Total Commitment

  Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you.  James 4:7 This year has been challenging for many of us, as social injustices, political unrest, and economic issues have affected our commitment to God. When we think about the word commitment, we think of having a made up mind, despite the circumstances. The enemy’s desire is to distract us from total commitment to God by making our problems look bigger than they are.  Therefore, we make excuses as to why we can’t commit to him resulting in us slowly drifting away from His presence, not spending time with him through praying and studying his word.  James warns us to submit to God and resist the devil. Satan wants us to believe we can't afford to  study our bibles or come to church because we are too busy working to pay our bills and take care of our families. Our jobs, relationships and worldly affections have gotten us off track from our commitment to G


The sinful nature takes place in the spirit of one's mind. Paul taught in Romans 12:1-2 that we should present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice and he promised that the Lord will renew our minds. It's not going to be spontaneous and happen overnight. It’s a day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute process that we go through. God will continue to renew the person he made us to be and this change in behavior will happen as our minds are renewed over time. So let’s stay focused. Never give up. And, keep our mind stayed on the Lord. And, trust that God will help us renew our minds as we continue on this Christian journey. Have a blessed day! Today Daily Devotional by Sister Takiela Harris


Paul paints a beautiful portrait of unity, declaring that there are no differences among us in Christ as we are one body, bound together by our shared faith. Imagine a mosaic made up of diverse pieces—different shapes, sizes, and colors. Individually, each piece possesses its beauty, but when brought together and carefully arranged, they form a breathtaking masterpiece. Similarly, when believers from every background and culture come together in unity, we create a vibrant tapestry that reflects the beauty of God's kingdom. AS WE LAY ASIDE OUR INDIVIDUAL AGENDAS AND COME TOGETHER in one mind and purpose, we create an environment where the presence of God is tangible. In this atmosphere of unity, chains are broken, hearts are healed, and lives are transformed. Our communities are impacted as they witness the love and unity displayed among believers, drawing them into the family of God. Have a blessed day! Today's devotional By Evangelist Priscilla Everett


"Even so, the body is not made up of one part but of many." 1 Corinthians 12:14 When we come together, great things happen! Just like a dope song has different beats and lyrics that go perfectly together. We as a group of believers also bring our unique swag and gifts together to create something awesome. God is all about that unity! He made us different on purpose, like a squad with different skills working together to serve one purpose. Spreading the word and winning souls. Let's unite and celebrate each other's differences and lift each other up. When we stand together in Christ, nothing can stop us because we thrive as one! So, let's keep spreading the word with love, respect, and positivity with the crew. Let's show the world what true unity looks like: diverse, strong, and totally lit! Today's devotional by Pastor Samuel Lantion


As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. Exodus 17:11-12 Yesterday, I felt a kind of tiredness that wasn't about my body. It was deep, y'all, in my heart and my mind. I found myself asking, "Lord, what's next?" And you know what? God reminded me that even Moses, yes, that Moses, he got tired too. As long as Moses kept his hands raised, they were winning. But when his arms got heavy, they found him a stone to rest on. As long as his hands were up, he was good. Aaron and Hur, they were there, holding up his hands. They kept him steady until the sun went down. Y'all, that's where strength comes from - lifting each other up. There will be days when you're going to feel worn


The enemy is creepin, seeking to sift you like wheat, to shake your faith, and to pull you away from the path God has you on. But God, in His grace and mercy, is calling you to a higher place. The time has come to detach yourself from toxic relationships and fleshly behaviors. You must stand strong and refuse to allow others to dump their trash in your yard, to pollute your spirit with their negativity.  Leveling up is not just about personal growth or achieving worldly success. It is about spiritual elevation. It is about moving closer to God and getting in line with HIS Will. It is about crucifying the flesh and its desires, and allowing the Spirit to take control. As you level up, God will empower you with the keys to His Kingdom, opening doors that no man can shut. He will give you a new anointing equipping you to fulfill the divine assignment He has for you. It's time to level up! It's time to rise to the dimension where God has called you. HAVE A BLESSED DAY! Today's


"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:17-18 (NIV) Hey friends, have you ever felt like you couldn't even show your face at church because of things you did outside those walls? Maybe you partied hard the night before or you're battling with personal issues that have left you feeling crushed. But remember, you're not alone. God knows what's up, and He's right there with us through it all. We don't have to have everything together and all figured out to praise God. We can come just as we are, with all our flaws and struggles, and still shout out our praise. Whether you slipped up and made a bad choice last night or you're facing real challenges, God's ears are open. Repent today and let's push away any doubts and fears that hold us back from praising God. Raise your voices, your hands, and your hea

Fervor Fast

So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us. Ezra 8:23 KJV We may understand the general concept of fasting, but let us focus for a moment on the word "intreated" from this text. Used in this verse, to entreat (current spelling) means to seek God with fervor. Fervor means to seek God with dedication, zeal, and commitment. This is the heart of fasting. In the Old Testament times, the preparation of food was an extremely time consuming task that involved the slaughtering of an animal, gathering crops and fuel for fires, carrying water from wells and the list goes on. To abstain from eating freed up a great deal of time. This free time was used to seek the Lord. Could it be that there are more beneficial ways to fast in this day and age? Our meals today are easily prepared or purchased and they don't take up a lot of time. So, a fast from these modern meals only frees a little time. Although the submission of the body is an added element of fasting

Big or Small

For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. Mark 9:41 KJV A cup of water is such a small sacrifice and yet it seen and rewarded by God. So many of us Christians believe we have little or nothing to offer. Yet the gospel of Mark encourages us that there is no gift too small to be effective in the kingdom of God. Whether it's an encouraging letter, a quick text, an invite to lunch or even just opening a door for someone. These are not small acts of service in God's eyes. Knowing this should encourage us to do two things. First, we should look for ways to "give a cup of water" to those around us. We should identify the needs of those around us so that we can meet them. What might be a small gesture for you, could make a life changing difference for someone else. Secondly, we should be on the lookout for those who serve us in small ways and extend our appreciation to the

How Sharp Are You?

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 NIV When we think of iron we think of something being very strong and sturdy. In order for that piece of iron to be sharpened, something else has to be very strong, sturdy, dependable and reliable. We have to ask God to send someone into our lives that can help us be strong in our faith. Ask God to help you find someone who is strong in their belief and knows the Lord. There are many things and people that can sharpen us. We can be sharpened through our teachers, spouses, pastors, mentors and friends. When we sharpen one another, we have to talk and listen to each other. We also should humble ourselves to follow and be led by others that have been divinely assigned to help develop and sharpen us. That sharpening will allow us to be able to help develop/sharpen others. Let's ask God to send people into our lives who will walk with us and help us sharpen each other. Today's Devotional written by Sister Takiela

Receiving Forgiveness

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:34 NIV Like most people, through the years I have experienced being hurt and mistreated. As a follower of Christ, more than one ugly text has been sent to my phone. Struggling to forgive at times, I find it helpful to visualize myself kneeling at the foot of Jesus on the cross. I see myself there unable to stop the scene and aware that my sin put Christ on the cross. Then I imagine my offender kneeling next to me and instantly I become aware of what it cost Jesus to forgive me. This gained perspective has allowed me to offer forgiveness to my fellow human. While on the cross, the Lord identified Himself with sinners, criminals and pagans. As two thieves received justice and soldiers ignorantly gambled for His clothes, Jesus observed the scene. His overwhelming response was to ask His Father to forgive them.  Though He was beaten, crucified and mocked, J

From Fear To Faith

But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. ”  Luke 22:32 NASB Jesus knew Peter would need to hold fast to the Word of God, rather than what his eyes could see, because the trials Peter would be facing would surely be a time of severe testing. Jesus wanted Peter to strengthen his faith and determination. Peter needed to hold fast and be solid in faith. So Jesus, the Son of God, prayed specifically that Peter's faith would not fail. When we show that our faith does not waver, it encourages others to believe what they know, rather than what they see. This was the case with Peter. Peter was converted and his way of seeing tribulation fell in line with God's purpose. He would be able to lead others to that same conversion from fear to faith. We must understand that we are children of God and servants of the Lord Jesus. This is the faith to which we are called. Jesus intercedes for us that we may be able to

Get To The Root

All by itself the soil produces grain. First the stalk comes up. Then the head appears. Finally, the full grain appears in the head. Mark 4:28 NIRV The 'root' gets it down on the inside of you. When it comes to the roots, that is where a thing begins to grow. It has life, gets stronger and gives nutrients. Things start to take place. Victory, healing and relief come when we get connected to the root. We need a root system in place in our daily plans. What are you holding onto or feeding everyday? You cannot take the Word of God and turn it into your circumstance. You have to take your circumstance to the Word of God. God is the 'root' to help solve the problems that our daily walk may bring. God is our strong tower. Let us allow God to handle the soil in our lives and watch our lives flourish. The root is where it all begins. Today's Devotional is written by Takiela Harris.

Don't Get Distracted

Look straight ahead and fix your eyes in what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. Proverbs 4:25-27 NLT The devil is constantly busy, always working on distracting us from focusing on Jesus and the path He has set before us. There are a lot of distractions today, such as your career, social media, friends, politics, the economy, and family matters, amongst others. While these distractions are genuine and valid, the devil can still use them to shift our attention, so that we barely have time to focus on the Lord. The enemy keeps our attention on our problems and everything else happening around us. In this way we lose focus on Jesus, the maker of all things and the only one that can turn every bad situation around. As the book Proverbs advises, look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you, as what lies ahead can be your dreams and aspirations, gifts, talent, or the mi