Receiving Forgiveness

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
Luke 23:34 NIV

Like most people, through the years I have experienced being hurt and mistreated. As a follower of Christ, more than one ugly text has been sent to my phone. Struggling to forgive at times, I find it helpful to visualize myself kneeling at the foot of Jesus on the cross. I see myself there unable to stop the scene and aware that my sin put Christ on the cross. Then I imagine my offender kneeling next to me and instantly I become aware of what it cost Jesus to forgive me. This gained perspective has allowed me to offer forgiveness to my fellow human. While on the cross, the Lord identified Himself with sinners, criminals and pagans. As two thieves received justice and soldiers ignorantly gambled for His clothes, Jesus observed the scene. His overwhelming response was to ask His Father to forgive them. Though He was beaten, crucified and mocked, Jesus chose love instead of allowing their blindness to anger Him. Jesus modeled humanity, putting His ultimate trust in the Father instead of people around Him. 

Who are we not to forgive others, when Jesus forgave us?

Today's devotional written by Brother Samuel Lantion.


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