Fervor Fast

So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us.
Ezra 8:23 KJV

We may understand the general concept of fasting, but let us focus for a moment on the word "intreated" from this text. Used in this verse, to entreat (current spelling) means to seek God with fervor. Fervor means to seek God with dedication, zeal, and commitment. This is the heart of fasting. In the Old Testament times, the preparation of food was an extremely time consuming task that involved the slaughtering of an animal, gathering crops and fuel for fires, carrying water from wells and the list goes on. To abstain from eating freed up a great deal of time. This free time was used to seek the Lord. Could it be that there are more beneficial ways to fast in this day and age? Our meals today are easily prepared or purchased and they don't take up a lot of time. So, a fast from these modern meals only frees a little time. Although the submission of the body is an added element of fasting from food, is it possible that fasting from social media or television may be a more effective way to subject our bodies and focus our freed up time on seeking the Lord with fervor and dedication?

Today' Devotional written by Samuel Lantion.


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