Marvelous Works: Remembering to Give Thanks

"The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23 (NIV)

In our busy lives, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, focusing on our problems and challenges. We rush from one task to the next, often overlooking the many blessings and miracles that God has worked in our lives. Psalm 118:23 reminds us to pause and recognize that "The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes."

How often do we appreciate and truly thank God for His goodness? For the healing, deliverance, protection, provision, and countless other blessings He has bestowed upon us? When we focus solely on our problems, we miss out on the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful things God has done for us.

Imagine a child who receives a beautifully wrapped gift from their parent. The gift is something the child had wanted for a long time. However, instead of unwrapping the gift and enjoying it, the child sets it aside and immediately starts worrying about when they will get their next present. The parent, seeing this, feels a mix of sadness and disappointment. How much more joyful it would be for the parent to see the child excitedly unwrap the gift, express gratitude, and take delight in it.

In our relationship with God, we can sometimes act like that child. We receive blessings and miracles from Him, yet we quickly move on to the next worry or desire without fully appreciating what we already have. But when we take time to thank God for what He has done, we are not only acknowledging His goodness but also opening our hearts to receive even more from Him.

Devotional By Evangelist Priscilla Everett


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