Soul Food

2 I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, - 1 Corinthians 3:2 ESV

In this scripture Paul was saying to the Corinthian Christians that they have not grown yet in their teaching of learning about Christ. God was giving them the basics and compared it to baby's milk meaning that baby's milk was all that a baby's stomach could handle. He was comparing them to newborns. The older and more mature they get is when you can start introducing them to more solid and more advanced foods that their stomachs can handle. Paul was telling the Corinthians that they should be beyond the milk stage and that, by this time, they should be ready for some solid food or meat. Stop acting so immature and  undeveloped! See, when we follow God, we mature faster and grow on a different level. Paul said that the Corinthians were living in the flesh; meaning that they were falling for any and everything. We must nurture ourselves spiritually. The more word we feed our spirit man, the stronger we will become. When we do this, we will get full and the solid food (meat) will stick to our ribs (memory) and our actions and in our speech. We will be better able to tell others about God. Additionally, we will be able to comprehend and understand better because we are getting our food from a reliable source and the One who supplies what we need. Let us grow in our daily walk with the Lord so that we can help feed others and help them grow spiritually.

Today's Devotional written by Sister Takiela Harris


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