Rest In Peace

And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgement. Hebrews 9:27

This phrase is often used when people die, which simply means they are free from life’s worry, lack, failure, sickness, and all things that comes with living here on earth, the good, the bad and the ugly. But the bible tells us that what we do here on earth determines where we will spend eternity, for there is another life after death. It is appointed for a man to die once and after that there is judgement, for there is no do over after death but judgement. Therefore, it is important to think about how we are living here on earth, are we living our lives to please God? Or are we living for the devil? Life outside of Jesus is not a fulfilled life, we can do everything to fill the void in us, however that void can only be filled with Jesus. Many people are filling that void with wealth, education, fame, meditation and all kinds of new age beliefs.  Jesus is the only path to eternal life and he gives peace here on earth as well as eternity. Here on earth, we can make it right and choose where we want to spend eternity, thank God for offering Christ once and for all as the ultimate sacrifice that takes away the sins of many people (Hebrews 9:28).  This is the time of grace here on earth, where the decision has to be made, and the decision is accepting Jesus into our lives so eternity with Him can be guaranteed. For Jesus is truly the way we can make it to heaven and truly rest in peace after the journey on this earth ends.

Today’s Devotional by Priscilla Everett


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