Put It In God's Hands

13 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. - Isaiah 41:13 NIV

What do you do when life has got you crying? Sit down. breathe. Then, breathe again. When situations have gotten the best of you, when you feel like circumstances have overwhelmed you or when relationships have been broken, what do you do? You cry. You roll around on the floor. You scream out loud. You might fix your wig. Then, you get up, dust yourself off and move forward. Let God handle it all. Give your anxieties, your fears, your worries over to God. A gospel group named Mary Mary wrote a song that said it best, "I cried my last tear yesterday." Yesterday is gone. Live for today. Take it one minute at a time, then one hour at a time. Even in the midst of my storm I see God working it out for me. The word says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. When do you want your morning to come? You have to make a decision. Put it all in God's hands when you feel like your worry and disappointment has got you down. Stop and say, "I refuse to worry about this and I'm not going to be overwhelmed!" Stop and say, "No! I refuse to carry this." When we put everything into God's hands, it doesn't mean that we don't have some work to do. Yes, we have a part to play in our situations. So, let it go and put it into God's hands, He sure can handle it better than we can.

Today's Devotional by Sister Takiela Harris


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